Semi-Complex chain and combine examples

Authors:Peter Higgins, Nikolai Onken, Marcus Reimann, Jared Jurkiewicz

This page is a landing point for demonstrating complex animations of DOM nodes built on uses of the chain and combine functions to perform complex animations with a single call to ‘play().


Example 1: Demonstration of combining three chained animations

This animation changes position, size, opacity, and color in a single, combined, animation

  function basicCombine(){
     //Function linked to the button to trigger the effects.
     function combineIt() {

        //Fade the node out, then in
        var displayAnim = dojo.fx.chain([
          dojo.fadeOut({node: "basicNode1", duration: 1000}),
          dojo.fadeIn({node: "basicNode1", duration: 1000})

        //Move the node while it's fading out and in.
        var moveAnim = dojo.fx.chain([
          dojo.animateProperty({node: "basicNode1",
            properties: {
              marginLeft: {start: 0, end: 400, unit: "px"}
            duration: 1000,
            easing: dojo.fx.easing.backOut
          dojo.animateProperty({node: "basicNode1",
            properties: {
              marginLeft: {start: 400, end: 0, unit: "px"}
            duration: 1000,
            easing: dojo.fx.easing.backOut

        //Resize and change color of the node as it moves too.
        var resizeColorAnim = dojo.fx.chain([
          dojo.animateProperty({node: "basicNode1",
            properties: {
              width: {start: 100, end: 200, unit: "px"},
              height: {start: 100, end: 200, unit: "px"},
              backgroundColor: {start: "red", end: "green"}
            duration: 1000
          dojo.animateProperty({node: "basicNode1",
            properties: {
              width: {start: 200, end: 100, unit: "px"},
              height: {start: 200, end: 100, unit: "px"},
              backgroundColor: {start: "green", end: "red"}
            duration: 1000

        //Combine the three sets of animations into one that runs in parallel.
        var combinedAnim = dojo.fx.combine([displayAnim, moveAnim, resizeColorAnim]);

        //Set it so that every time it ends, it runs again. (And connect the stop action to it!)
        var handle = dojo.connect(combinedAnim, "onEnd", function(){combineIt();});
        dojo.connect(dijit.byId("endButton"), "onClick", function(){dojo.disconnect(handle);});

        //Run it!;
     dojo.connect(dijit.byId("startButton"), "onClick", combineIt);
<button dojoType="dijit.form.Button" id="startButton">Start the complex loop!</button>
<button dojoType="dijit.form.Button" id="endButton">End the complex loop!</button>
<div id="basicNode1" style="width: 100px; height: 100px; background-color: red;"></div>
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