Category Archives: News

Dojo 1.5.2 Released

We’re pleased to announce Dojo 1.5.2, a set of updates for anyone using the 1.5.x line of Dojo. This release is a departure from our approach in the past, and is something new we’re trying to better support you.

The 1.5.2 update consists primarily of backports of browser compatibility fixes for Internet Explorer 9 and Firefox4+, most of which were originally added in the 1.6.0-1.6.1 time frame.

If you are working with a Dojo 1.5 code base and are interested in benefiting from browser compatibility fixes heretofore seen only in 1.6+, please give this a whirl in your apps. It’s a low risk update that will provide you with better browser compatibility, without any changes to APIs or features from 1.5.1.

Note that 1.5.2 is not yet available on the CDNs, but will be available in the near future.

Please report any new issues you find in your testing with your Dojo Foundation account.

1.7 Tutorials, CometD 2.4.0, Wink Toolkit 1.4.1, and Documentation Feedback

This past week included four significant announcements:

  • The Dojo Tutorial series has been updated to include version 1.7 of Dojo. Read the announcement from SitePen for more details.
  • Wink Toolkit has been updated to version 1.4.1. Wink Toolkit is a Dojo Foundation project that is mobile-specific, now builds on AMD, and is now easy to use with Dojo. See the Community Connections demo app which shows off using Dojo and Wink together, and introduces some of the committers to Dojo and Wink.
  • CometD has released version 2.4.0. In addition to improving their WebSockets support, they have also updated their Dojo client to work with Dojo 1.7.1 (though it does not yet support AMD).
  • We’ve long heard that we have issues with our documentation, and in spite of our best efforts to improve them, especially with the tutorials, we need help identifying and resolving issues with our docs. If you’re interested in contributing, less us know on the mailing list or on IRC. But even if you’re not interested in that level of help, we’ve simplified the feedback process. At the bottom of each API viewer and tutorial page (and soon reference guide as well), you’ll find a link to a quick feedback form. If you see an issue on the page you’re reviewing, simply click the link, type in a note with the details of the problem, and we’ll make it a priority to fix.

Dojo 1.7.1 is Released!

We’re happy to announce Dojo 1.7.1 is now available for download.

Review the list of issues resolved in this release.

Please report any new issues you find in your testing with your Dojo Foundation account. Links to CDN, and an updated reference guide, web site, and tutorials for 1.7 will be available soon.

And special thanks to Colin Snover and Ken Franqueiro for managing this release!

Learn more about AMD!

If you’ve been reading about Dojo 1.7, the first thing you’re probably wondering is, what is this AMD thing that everyone is talking about? We have a great tutorial update in the works, and some in progress AMD docs. If you’re first learning about AMD, here are a few presentations and resources that are particularly useful:

For efficiently loading modules, Dojo 1.7 by default includes a new async loader based on Rawld Gill’s excellent work on the backdraft framework. Dojo can also be used with RequireJS, curl.js, or other AMD loaders.

DojoConf Tickets Now On Sale!

The first ever DojoConf will be a premier event for the Dojo community and JavaScript community at large. it is run by the amazing team behind JSConf and TXJS, so you can plan on amazing presentations followed up by outstanding social events.

  • Where: Washington, DC (Palomar Hotel)
  • When: Evening of September 15th, all-day September 16 and 17, 2011
  • Who: Speakers including Peter Higgins, Dylan Schiemann, Alex Russell, Patrick Ruzand, James Thomas and many more presenting on everything from the future of Dojo to Dojo Mobile. Attendees will include anyone interested in Dojo, including committers, contributors, web developers, designers, project managers, and software architects.
  • How: Tickets for DojoConf are available for US $650 for General Admission, and are currently on sale with very limited supplies. Hotel rooms are available for the low price of US $149 and can be reserved once you register.
  • What’s included: The ticket cost covers full access to all three parties and all of the conference day-of events, basically everything is taken care of for you!

Early bird tickets have already gone on sale and sold out in a matter of hours, we have opened up a few more Early Bird tickets with this blog post to ensure that those who need/want them can get them. Get them now, they will sell out quickly!

Dojo Web Builder Source on GitHub

Last month we launched the Dojo Web Builder, an online solution to generate customised versions of The Dojo Toolkit using just your web browser. We are pleased to announce that the technology behind the Dojo Web Builder is now available on Github as an official Dojo Foundation project.

Users can now run the tool locally, which provides access to two really important features….

  • Generate custom Dojo builds for older versions of the Dojo Toolkit. The Web Builder can be easily configured to work with older versions of the toolkit, whereas the hosted version only provides access to the latest version of Dojo. This allows users who aren’t using the latest version of Dojo within their application to generate customised builds with the tool.
  • Expose custom application modules through the Web Builder. Plug your local Dojo modules into the Web Builder and the tool will automatically allow users to build optimised application layers from all modules it has discovered.

Follow the simple instructions in the project’s README file for full details on both of these modes.

Visit the Dojo Web Builder GitHub project and start using it today!

Dojo 1.6.1, 1.7 Beta, Tutorials, Dojo Beer, DojoConf, and more…

If you haven’t been following us on Twitter, it’s been a very busy month in our community, with many exciting announcements and upcoming events.

Recent News

  • Dojo 1.6.1 released. Many minor enhancements and fixes were made, along with official support for Internet Explorer 9 and Firefox 4.
  • Dojo 1.7 beta released. Please start testing your applications now and report issues. A draft of the 1.7 release notes is in progress. 1.7 final is slated for release in the next 3-6 weeks.
  • Dojo Tutorials. In case you missed it, we now have 28 new tutorials, all updated for Dojo 1.6, covering a variety of areas of Dojo and Dojo Mobile, as well as a new section of Dojo Recipes, for solving complex real-world problems.

Upcoming Events

  • Dojo Workshops in your area. SitePen has been offering a number of workshops, with the next Dojo Workshop in Washington DC. Register now for one of the last few slots.
  • Dojo Beer DC. Even if you cannot make the workshop, join us for free Dojo Beer in DC, or any upcoming Dojo Beer event.
  • The first ever DojoConf is coming. Run by the same great team that brings us JSConf, DojoConf will be an amazing event. Stay tuned for tickets, which go on sale in a few weeks. Or submit a talk idea by this Friday, June 10th.
  • The London Ajax Mobile Event will feature a number of great talks on mobile, including Dojo Mobile, EmbedJS, WinkToolkit, and more on July 2nd in London. A few tickets remain, register before it sells out.

We hope to see you at one of these, or many other upcoming Dojo events.

Introducing the New Dojo Web Builder


Dojo’s build system has long been considered as one of the toolkit’s most important features. Using the build system will dramatically improve the performance of your Dojo application by optimising the JavaScript modules and CSS files. This reduces the download size and number of HTTP connections needed to load your application.

Today, The Dojo Toolkit’s build tools are about to improve even further with the launching of a brand new solution, The Dojo Web Builder!

The Web Builder is an online solution providing an intuitive web interface to the existing build tools, allowing you to create customised Dojo builds using just your web browser and much more. This new tool will dramatically lower the barrier to entry for the build system, easing new users into the process of using a build tool and improving the performance of unoptimised Dojo applications everywhere!

To start, use the Dojo Web Builder tool, or continue reading for more details. We have produced a number of screencasts showing off the tool’s features and walking you through the steps required for some common example builds:

Dojo Web Builder – Custom Builds from Dojo Toolkit on Vimeo.

Dojo Web Builder – Auto Analysis from Dojo Toolkit on Vimeo.

Dojo Web Builder – Advanced Mode from Dojo Toolkit on Vimeo.


  • Browse catalogue of every module in Dojo, Dijit and DojoX, using text searching to quickly filter the entire results. Simply select desired modules to include those in a custom build. Currently serving over eight hundred modules for the 1.6 release.
  • Automatically generate custom Dojo builds using our remote service, no need to open terminals and run the intensive build system locally. When the build is complete, it will automatically start the download of the result. Progress indicator keeps you informed of status during a custom build.
  • Auto-analyse existing Dojo applications to discover module dependencies. Provide the Web Builder with a remote URL, upload a HTML page, zip archive or an existing build profile to have the tool show you any Dojo Toolkit or custom module dependencies uncovered. Custom builds using the results will automatically include your custom modules.
  • Customise builds even further in “Advanced Mode”. Want to include a Dijit theme with compressed CSS? Want to use Google’s Closure compiler for aggressive compression? Want to build multiple application layers? Want to generate builds for the WebKit platform? Need to generate a cross-domain build? Switch to using the Web Builder in “Advanced Mode” to unleash the ability to heavily customise build parameters.

Open source

The Dojo Web Builder project consists of two new components that were developed:

  • Dojo-based web application providing the interface to the build system through a web browser.
  • Backend service, allowing existing build system to be controlled through a RESTful interface.

The entire project will shortly be open-sourced, living on the Dojo Foundation’s Github repository, allowing anyone to contribute to its continuing development. More importantly, other users will be able to run local versions of the tool pointing at their own modules. For example, an organisation might provide an internal version allowing teams to easily generate new custom builds of a project’s modules, without having to distribute the entire project source. In addition, the tool can be configured to generate custom builds for older versions of The Dojo Toolkit, such as 1.5 and 1.4.3. Future plans for the project include native support for the AMD module and CommonJS package formats. This will allow the Dojo Web Builder to be used with a broad variety of JavaScript modules and packages external to Dojo. A full announcement will follow when the project’s source code is available.


Start using the Dojo Web Builder today. The hosted version is configured to provide access to the custom builds using the latest version of The Dojo Toolkit, 1.6.